Wednesday, February 27, 2019

March On!

Happy Spring!

"What is my identity
Outside my social role?
It's not what people think or say,
But my connection to my Soul." ~ Kaypacha 

As you'll hear in my Heavenly Guidance this month, the Holy Spirit directs us to get in touch with our hearts innermost desires- whether it's a new project, following a new path, or simply to live a more harmonious life. This Spring Equinox is on March 20th, and offers us a wonderful platform to support us as we give birth to our dearest desires.

In order to do so, we will want to move out of the mindset of being concerned about what others may think of us. Kaypacha so beautifully stated it in the quote above, when he shared the true importance comes from our connection to Source and our Soul. Rather than seeking the answers outside ourselves its best to look within and gain the wisdom from our soul. No one else knows what is best for you. Although they might be well-intentioned, learn to listen to the small quiet voice within. It will never steer you wrong because it only wants what is for your highest good.

The challenge is we've been brought up to look to outside sources for our guidance. We don't trust ourselves because we haven't practiced the art of looking within, and frankly we don't feel comfortable with it. As with anything, practice makes perfect. It all begins with you making a conscious decision to create a new pathway for yourself.

Enjoy taking time to go within and explore your many options. There's a treasure chest waiting for you~
if only you stop, ask, listen, allow and give gratitude. Unlimited possibilities are awaiting you.



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