Monday, August 23, 2021

Awakening Your Creative Abilities


Navigating Challenges and Awakening Your Creative Abilities

Each of us are experiencing challenges in our lives, some more dramatic than others. When we focus on what we don’t want, that very thing we are looking to avoid comes up again and again. It may be poor health, a loss of a loved one, going through a divorce or being let go from a job. Each carries its own particular challenges and lessons. If we can shift our momentum from what we don’t want to what we intend to create, that is the first and most vital step we can take. 

What do you do, when you’ve thought a thought, and thought the thought, and thought the thought-over and over again? And you’re standing in a place where you really don’t want to be and there’s a momentum flowing? 

What if you changed the subject? Do you have the power to think a different thought? Or is the momentum of the thought so compelling, that it won’t let go of your mind? Is the thought thinking you-or are you thinking the thought? This is a skill. As the creator of your life, you can always shift your thoughts. It takes practice and attention. It simply means making the choice to move out of your habitual patterning of focusing on what you don’t want. This can present a challenge as its familiar, even if its not always comfortable. Once you have the realization you are the creator, you begin to choose differently. 

The law of attraction is Always in motion. You are much more powerful in creating the things you want then in the things you don’t want. Your Inner Higher Self is your best proponent..and it always wants what is for your highest good. Tap into this awareness and watch the energies Shift as you create wonderful opportunities for yourself.

The Natural Order


Go Out Into Nature & Be One With All That Is

If your life has become quiet, know much is happening in your inner world.
Deep within, the old and the new are stirring, coming together to form a dreamy creation, that harmonizes into the very fabric of your being. This quiet is the feeling you have when a dream or desire is on the way. When this occurs, stay in the stillness, don’t look for physical evidence and don’t wonder what you have to do to bring it into being or how it will happen. Just be.

When you feel the stillness, take a breath and go within, exhale and relax. Allow the breath of life to soothe, ease and soften your entire being. Allow the quiet to be there and move through you. From that quiet, the most beautiful sounds, colors and light envelop you and become you. You are hearing and witnessing the whispers of your heart. Listen and hear your wisdom. You are in the flow of creation.