Monday, January 8, 2018

The Energies of 2018 will Support You

Universal Energy for 2018:   2 + 0 + 1 + 8 = 11

You have the choice to align your 11 Vibration in Love, Compassion & Unity....what do you chose?
In numerology, the energy of the Universal Year (the calendar year) weaves a universal theme of potential through our lives.  How you then work with the energy of the 11 Universal Year will be dependent on you. 

The last time we experienced a Universal 11 Year was in 2009, and then before that the last Universal 11 year was in 1910... thus well over 99% of the worlds population have only ever experienced one or two Universal Year 11 vibrations in their lifetime... so this is a huge opportunity for our entire planet!

In numerology the number 11 is a Master Number - ‘Master’ meaning it is of intense/high vibrational frequency and works within the etherial, magical and transcendental realms of creation. Master numbers possess great potential for learning and growth, and can bring major transformations in your life.

The number 11 is the most intuitive number and is a clear channel to the subconscious. It is the number of leadership, personal power and spiritual truths. The number 1 by itself represents leadership, initiative and new beginnings (2017 was a Universal ‘1’ Year in Numerology)... thus two number 1’s together opens a gateway of potential far greater than the sum of its parts.   It is like taking the Universal Year ‘1’ energy of 2017 and amping it up to the max in 2018 as a double ‘1’ = 11 energy. 

Our Universal 11 Year is our Wakeup call to remember how beautiful the world feels when we experience our lives through our hearts and how when we choose to create Heaven on Earth in everything we do, we awaken the best in ourselves and inspire others to do the same.

In a Universal 11 Year we have the FREEDOM to really SEE ourselves from a greater level of awareness or consciousness.  Just like looking at our reflection in the water, we are drawn during 2018 to take a good hard look at areas in our life where we have held ourselves back, stayed small for fear of rejection, or limited our growth for fear of failure.  What do you ‘see’ when you take a deep introspective look at your life in this  moment, what is the universe reflecting back to you in this Universal 11 Year.
The highest potential of a Universal 11 Year will flourish to new heights when you choose to let go of what you ‘think’ you need to do/be in 2018 and tap into a much greater resource of energy within you… how you ‘feel’.   Our brain perceives our world/environment to be a certain way, hence our lives may follow a course based on these perceptions.  There really is no correct ‘up’ or no correct direction to represent reality… we only perceive a situation from the place we are viewing the situation from.  If you were to take your awareness outside of Earth, into outer space and view the Earth from every angle you would discover is that there really is no true North South East & West per se…as these directions change from the position you are viewing the Earth from.  Interesting!!!
When you ‘feel’, you are letting go of limiting beliefs, unconscious imprints, the way your brain analyses and perceives a situation and instead you become a conduit of infinite solutions & potentialities through the field of infinite intelligence.  This is what a Universal 11 Year holds in store for us, the ability to move outside of ourselves and ‘feel into’ a higher consciousness, a world more beautiful through our Hearts.  
This is a place where miracles really do happen, deepest hurts are healed and forgiveness comes with ease as there is no limitation to how brightly you can shine.
Are you ready to make yourself a priority and make a commitment to yourself to experience vitality, prosperity and good health? If you are ready to make the commitment to live a  rewarding and fulfilling life. Join me as we embark in the Level 1 Empowerment process (details below). The program provides you with a cohesive easy to follow step by step process ensuring your success.

Click here to sign up and make the decision to make this your best year ever!

It all Begins with YOU
Allow yourself to receive the Peace, Love and Joy that are your Divine Birthright.
Love, Light and Many Blessings,