Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Allowing the Elements of Nature to Guide you on your path to Enlightenment.

You can incorporate the elements to guide you on your path to enlightenment.

How can you connect with the elements for inner wisdom and knowledge, you may ask?

We experience nature in all of its wondrous facets.  Allow the elements of fire, water, earth and air to guide you as you walk upon your path of enlightenment.

With Fire, we are able to transmute all negativity and fear into light and love. 
"I request the additional assistance of Archangel Michael and Saint Germain in transmuting the lower discordant energies into the higher vibrational energies. I light the fire of passion within my heart, and allow the radiance to expand out.  I shine my light with confidence, grace and ease for all to see".

With water, we are soft and subtle as we navigate the days of our life.
"I allow a fluidity and an expansiveness to flow through me freely, without judgment or sensor.  I am also powerful, as I Co-create my life based on what makes my heart sing.  It is my song, and so it is uniquely mine. As your song is uniquely yours.  We create a beautiful, multi colored, multidimensional tapestry of life".

With Earth, we are grounded in Oneness. 
"I release the energies that no longer serve me, and through acceptance I receive the abundance which is offered to me on a consistent and continuous basis. The wisdom of the Earth is in direct alignment with my soul. I allow the energies and vibrations of the crystals to magnify and create a harmonic frequency in my life.

With Air, we are the Divine breath. 
"Giving and receiving is the natural law-circle of life.  Contraction and expansion offer me unlimited possibilities to experience my life. The breath is amplified as I Live the energies of peace, love, joy, wisdom, beauty and prosperity.  Abundance is actually our natural state of Being.  My supply is limitless".

I am the Fire.  I am the water. I am the Earth.  I am the Air. I am the tree, the bird, the cricket, the cloud.  I have a reverence for All of life. We are One. And in this Oneness we can create unlimited possibilities.  

The beauty you see all around you is a reflection of your own inner beauty.  Can  you see it? 

The tree first changes the color of it's leaves before dropping to the ground.  Can you experience in ease what it is to let go of All that no longer serves you?

The shimmering lights dance on the water.    There is no separation, as they seamlessly shimmer in unity and splendor.  Can you feel it?

Honor yourself and Give yourself the gift of spending this time in nature as it will be very enlightening, indeed.  Connecting with nature will prove to be a powerful resource for you that will offer untold dividends. Remember we are One with All that is, and this brings the circle of love into fruition.
This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is not altered and the proper credit line is included.

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