Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Insular Tahiti

Insular Tahiti

Sometimes it's nice to get away from our every day schedules and patterns to visit different locations, enjoy unique scenery and meet people with alternative backgrounds. It can refresh our very soul. As we visit sacred places such as Sedona, Egypt, Hawaii, Stonehenge or South Africa, it may bring you back to a sense of peace and harmony.

I've also become aware as lovely as those vacations have been, in a moment I can bring myself back into the essence of that insular Tahiti. The insular Tahiti represents that place within each of us, where we find that connection with Source.

How can you find that inner sanctuary in your busy daily life? When your consumed with paying the bills, fixing that leaky faucet and taking care of the family, it can seem challenging, to say the very least.

When you are feeling stuck, stressed or alone it is time to allow the "space in between" to show you how to re-balance yourself. In the simplicity of your breath lies the answer. You may have heard me say "Its as simple as your breath". When you connect with your breath you bring yourself into the present moment, and in the present moment you are connected with Source. When you have this awareness you can bring yourself back into that insular Tahiti - full of peace and joy. It is a choice. You can choose to continue to feel scattered of you can choose to feel centered.

Enjoy your vacations and your time of respite. Allow yourself to connect with the experiences and bring the passionate feelings back into your inner sanctuary. Spend time there daily as this will reconnect you with your divine passionate self.

PS: Spring begins early this year on March 19th! Join me on Saturday March 21st, "The End of People Pleasing & The Beginning of Creating Your Awakened Self," details below.

Live, Love and Laugh,

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Seeing Through a Spiritual Lens

Perfect Vision

We've been told that 20-20 vision is perfect - and for the year 2020 let's expand and look at this. It's really about how we view the world.

You can open your eyes and see all these problems and get really confused. There are so many games going on, and its easy to get drawn in. Unless you ask yourself, " Where do I choose to place my attention?" you simply continue to do the same thing out of habit.
If you can shift your gaze from the outside dramas inward to the harmony and peace that resides within your heart, thats where the magic resides. From the silence and the void you are better able to connect to the wisdom of your soul.

This is a wonderful time to connect with your heart and raise your sights on what you'd like to create. Ask your Higher Self and Angels for guidance in order to ground your ideas into reality. Allow the wisdom to flow in a beautiful, light-filled way.

Once you have decided to follow your passion- Make a declaration!
Let it be something that excites you.
Let your heart light up and take action accordingly.
Rather than getting caught up in trivial circumstances and needless distractions, make a declaration to follow your passion.
Let it come in varied, beautiful, and light-filled ways.
Look at things in a new way and ground it in a way that adds to the light.
See opportunities to set your passions into motion and take them.

The energies are supportive as you ground the light and follow your passion. Allow the energies of 2020 to create a cosmic reset for you to experience love in a myriad of ways. The doors are wide open to make a huge difference.

Enjoy the ride!



The Slower You Go, The Quicker You’ll Get There.

February 2020
Be Love

The Slower You Go, The Quicker You’ll Get There.

When we are in a state of gratitude we open ourselves up the unlimited possibilities. So often, we put pressure on ourselves and demand things to be accomplished on our timeline. If we can see things from an energetic frequency, we understand the key role we play by maintaining our vibrational alignment. When we place pressure on ourselves, we actually constrict the flow from Source.

Can you let go of the need to push and pull your way through life? Rushing and forcing only creates resistance and tension. Allowing opens you up to the multitude of opportunities. Take a breadth and relax. You can’t do this wrong.Create from this expansive, easy space.

You are a creator. Rather than looking at things as they appear, let’s tap into our imagination. All great inventions began with the imagination. Play with expansive, uplifting qualities and experience how it feels to be balanced in wellbeing. Accept and acknowledge where you are with an awareness that in every now moment you are creating your next present moment. Easy does it. All of creation is done in the present moment. Connect with high vibrational frequencies of joy, peace, self acceptance and unconditional love. Enjoy the experience as it unfolds with ease and grace.
