I was deeply touched by this message from Patricia Cota-Robles, and wanted to share it with you. When someone dear to you passes on, please remember to can talk to them from your heart~and then be open to listen to them as they share their messages with you.
On November 11th, at 11:00 a.m., my youngest brother James Russell Dunlap passed away unexpectedly. He was 64 years old. He had a knee replacement and about 10 days later he started passing a lot of blood. The doctors said it had nothing to do with the knee surgery. They gave him several tests and could not find where the bleeding was coming from. Several specialists examined him at two different hospitals. They gave him four blood transfusions, two colonoscopies, two nuclear blood tests, two upper digestive scopes and could not find the bleed. Eventually the bleeding seemed to stop, so they just said “We are going to call this a diverticulitis bleed.” On Monday, November 9th, they sent him home from the hospital.
Two days later, on November 11th at 11:00 a.m., he said he did not feel well and went to lie down. An hour later he was gone. They are doing an autopsy but we do not have the medical reason for his transition yet.
We all know what an incredibly powerful day November 11, 2015 was. There are myriad multidimensional and multifaceted things taking place at this time that are often confusing and difficult to understand. I would like to share with you what I said at the service we had on November 21st to Celebrate Jimmy’s Life. I AM feeling prompted to do this because I KNOW Jimmy’s message is to all of us and not just to his immediate family.
At the service, Jim’s son Jake spoke, our sister Pam spoke, three of Jim’s friends spoke, and finally I spoke and shared the information that I felt inspired, by Jim, to share with everyone. To simplify this, I am going to just repeat the information as I presented it at Jim’s service.
Jimmy did not consider himself to be religious or spiritual, but he knew more about Love and Loving people than just about anyone I know. Personally, I believe that is the most spiritual thing any of us can do. Jimmy always had our backs, and if there was ever anything we needed he would move Heaven and Earth to help us in any way he could.
When someone like that leaves your life, it feels like there is a huge gaping hole that is impossible to fill. But I would like to share with you something that is very comforting to me and, hopefully, it will be comforting to you as well.
I was a marriage and family counselor for 20 years. During that time, I counseled several people who had experienced profound “near death experiences” or NDEs. The information these people shared with me inspired me to research this phenomenon. For years I studied everything I could get my hand on about NDEs. I learned that there are tens of thousands of people who have documented their NDE.
Many of these people were in hospitals where doctors and nurses confirmed that according to our scientific measurements they were determined to be clinically dead. The monitors on their heart and brain had flat lined and there was no heartbeat, no respiration, and no brain wave activity. Most of the NDE experiences were relatively short, usually ten or fifteen minutes long, but for the person involved the experience seemed much, much longer. Some of the other people were gone for 30 minutes, and some for as long as 45 minutes or an hour. One man was even in the morgue with a tag on his toe when he returned. All of these people returned with no sign of brain damage or any of the other things you would expect from someone whose brain had been deprived of oxygen for a long period of time.
The amazing thing about these NDEs is that ALL of the people experience almost the exact same thing regardless of their walk of life. Confirmed atheists who expect that death is the end have the same experience as devoutly religious people. It does not matter what a person’s educational or socioeconomic level is. Nor does the gender, age, race, nationality, culture, or life-style with which a person is associated matter. Most people who go through the NDE feel their reason for returning to Earth is to let all of us know what we, and our Loved Ones, will experience when we leave this physical plane. The Divine Intent of these experiences is to help us eliminate the terrible fear we usually have about death and the devastating loss we feel when our Loved Ones cross over to the other side.
The comforting information all of the people reported after their NDE is that when they went through the process that we call death they did not even lose consciousness. Suddenly, they were just aware of standing outside of their body. They saw their body lying on the bed or the floor or wherever they happened to be. After a moment of confusion, they became aware that their senses were greatly heightened. They could hear people talking around them and they could even hear people talking in other rooms. Soon they realized they were not only hearing people’s spoken words, they were hearing their thoughts as well. They knew then that they were actually able to telepathically hear what people were thinking.
After the initial shock of dying, which lasted just a moment, they all described seeing an exquisitely beautiful and Loving Light. They felt compelled to move toward the Light and as they did they passed through a heavy energy that many of them described as a dark tunnel. This was just the chaotic energy that surrounds the planet from all of the negative things occurring on Earth.
Once they entered the Light they were greeted in a joyous celebration by their Loved Ones who had crossed over before them. They said that regardless of what condition their Loved One’s bodies were in at the time of their passing, in this Higher Dimension they were all vibrantly healthy, extremely happy, and in their prime.
If the person experiencing the NDE had an affinity for a particular religion they often drew to themselves the luminous Presence of the Being of Light associated with that religion. For example, many people experience the Presence of Jesus or Buddha or one of the other Beings of Light associated with the various world religions.
The most profound thing people who have experienced NDEs want us to know is that the Heavenly Realm where our Loved Ones go is not off in some far distant place. It is just a much Higher Dimension that surrounds us. This Dimension is vibrating with a frequency of Light that transcends the heavy negativity on the physical plane, but the people in this Dimension are totally aware of their Loved Ones on Earth and what is happening here.
All we have to do is think about our Loved Ones who have crossed over to the other side and we instantly get their attention. They respond to us on the return current of energy, and they instantly support us with their Light and Love in any way they can. Unfortunately, most people do not believe that their Loved Ones can hear them, so they block the awareness of their communication or of their tangible Presence. Some of the people who have experienced NDEs said that in moments when their Loved Ones on Earth were in their deepest expression of grief, they were actually sitting with them holding them in their arms, but their Loved Ones did not comprehend that was even possible so they did not sense their Presence.
In order to become aware of our Loved Ones once they have crossed over to the other side, we do not have to become psychic or go through a monumental transformation to communicate with them. In Truth, this block within our consciousness will be removed with just a slight adjustment in our awareness.
All we have to do is accept the possibility that we can still communicate with them even though they are in a Higher Dimension. If we will just say to ourselves, “What if it is true? What if I can communicate telepathically with my Loved One on the other side?” And then, we simply make the decision to accept this communication as a possibility. We can easily do so by saying, “I AM going to accept this as a real possibility. I AM going to talk to my Loved One and I AM going to open my heart and mind knowing that he or she is responding to me now.” Then pay attention, and you will begin to intuitively sense your Loved One’s Presence and you will begin to see outer-world signs that they are letting you know they are with you in various ways.
On this very special day when we are gathered together to Celebrate Jimmy’s Life, I assure you he is with us. He is flooding each of us with his Love, and he is expressing his deep Gratitude for having all of us in his life.
One of the hardest things about someone leaving as unexpectedly as Jimmy did is that we feel there are things we wanted to say to him, but now we think it is too late. The wonderful thing we are learning from people who have been through NDEs is that is absolutely NOT TRUE. So let’s just take a moment and from the deepest recesses of our hearts let’s say to Jimmy anything we want to say to him on this very special day.
Please breathe in deeply and go within to the Divinity of your heart. If you feel comfortable doing so, gently close your eyes. In your mind’s eye see that beautiful big man standing before you with his wonderful smile. Now from the silence of your heart, tell him exactly what you want him to know at this time. I promise you, he will hear every single word. (Pause)
Now gently return your consciousness to the room and KNOW that communicating with Jimmy or any of your Loved Ones on the other side is just this easy.
As we complete this part of our Celebration of Jimmy’s Life, I would like to share with you a very special song.
A couple days after Jimmy passed away I was driving in the car and I was thinking of him. I was crying and I was telling him how much I Love him and how much we are all going to miss him. As soon as I said that the following song came on the radio. It is an old country song that I am familiar with, but I have not heard it on the radio for probably five or six years.
As soon as the song started playing, I knew it was a message from Jimmy that he wanted me to share with the Love of his life, Nancy, who is his wife of 42 years. I shared this song with Nancy, but Jimmy also wanted me to share this message with all of you. He wants to remind us to Love each other and for us to tell the people in our lives how much we Love them. So open your heart and mind and listen carefully to the words of this precious message that Jimmy wants you to have on this special day.
by Garth Brooks
Sometimes late at night
I lie awake and watch her sleeping
She’s lost in peaceful dreams
So I turn out the lights and lay there in the dark
And the thought crosses my mind
If I never wake up in the morning
Would she ever doubt the way I feel
About her in my heart
If tomorrow never comes
Will she know how much I loved her
Did I try in every way to show her every day
That she’s my only one
And if my time on Earth were through
And she must face this world without me
Is the Love I gave her in the past
Gonna to be enough to last
If tomorrow never comes
‘Cause I’ve lost Loved Ones in my life
Who never knew how much I loved them
Now I live with the regret
That my true feelings for them never were revealed
So I made a promise to myself
To say each day how much she means to me
And avoid that circumstance
Where there’s no second chance to tell her how I feel
Repeat Chorus
So tell that someone that you Love
Just what you’re thinking of
If tomorrow never comes